Dave’s Lounge #129

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It's been a busy week around these parts, and it's not going to slow down for the next week or so, so I've decided to keep it simple for this show — less talk, more music. Given the quality of these instrumentals, I don't think anyone will mind very much…

Playlist for Dave's Lounge #129:

  1. 72 Soulmaker, "Riding the Edge"  Buy from: iTunes
  2. Kush, "The Beauty of Machines at Work"  Buy from: eMusic | iTunes
  3. Flashbaxx, "Voodoo Therapy"  Buy from: eMusic
  4. Sine, "Slowjam"  Buy from: iTunes
  5. Stockfinster, "Seventeen Days"  Download from: Stockfinster.nu

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If you'd like to listen to this episode or any other on your iPhone, check out the Dave's Lounge direct download page.

Enjoy the show!

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Dave’s Lounge #129 — 4 Comments

  1. That’s how it works:
    I liked Slowjam from Sine a lot and I came to the shownotes to use the buy link for the song. Now, that link doesn’t point to Sine’s album, though, it points to the Cool Off Chillout compilation. That’s a nice move Dave! I ended buying the whole compilation…
    And thanks to the new iTunes 8 Genius I found out about Sine’s “Cross that line” album, which I also bought.

    Isn’t that great? That’s exactly the reason I listen to Dave’s Lounge: to find enjoyable new music. And so far it has worked like a Swiss watch for me 🙂